Postpartum Sitz Bath Herbs
You need this stuff - take our word for it! It works.
This is an herbal combination used to help soothe and heal the perineal area after birth, helps keep swelling to a minimum (especially if the frozen pad method is used), helps the speed the healing process, and helps to fight infection. This is one of Herb Lore's most popular products and winner of the Essential Postpartum Products for Mama and Baby 2015 award. Customers swear by this product!
Pam (Herb Lore's herbalist and company founder) had a third-degree tear (to the rectum, which rarely ever happens but these kinds of weird things are how she learned what works!). She used the frozen pads and peri bottle. She had NO pain whatsoever from her many stitches – she said she couldn’t feel any discomfort at all, ever – and her midwife was amazed at the lack of swelling and speed of healing for her. All of this was directly due to the Postpartum Sitz Bath Herbs.
Her experience with the herbs is common – it has become one of Herb Lore’s most popular items! It is a “must have” for any birthing mom!
This is a Certified Organic product.
Ingredients: Certified Organic Shepherd's Purse, Comfrey Leaf, Plantain Leaf, Garlic, Uva Ursi, Lavender Blossom & Sage. No other additives or fillers used. All Herb Lore products are non-GMO and gluten-free, and are never, ever tested on animals.
4.5 oz
Instructions for use are on the bag label or see the detailed use section below. Usage ideas include:
- use in a sitz bath
- use in the bathtub as a whole body soak,
- use the tea in a peri bottle to squirt onto the perineal area, especially after using the bathroom
- use the tea in a squirt bottle to spray onto stitches (including C-Section stitches)
- soak sanitary pads to freeze as a cool, pain relieving "ice pack" to wear after the birth. (One bag will make one supply of frozen pads.) This is the most popular way of using the Postpartum Sitz Bath Herbs. Complete instructions are on the Postpartum Sitz Bath info page and on the bag label.
All ideas can be used together.
Detailed Use Info:
Here are some of the recommended ways of using these herbs:
1. Frozen Pads - this is a favorite, it can help tremendously with pain and swelling even in the case of tears and stitches. Here's how to do it: make the tea as directed on the bag (use the whole bag to 1 gallon of water). Fold sanitary napkins in half (hold top and bottom ends together with adhesive in the middle and pad surface on the outside). Dip the pad into tea, soaking the middle of the pad. Lay the dipped pads into Tupperware or other container side by side, in a slight “C” shape to fit your body once they're frozen. Place wax paper or saran wrap on top and in between the pad layer and then make another dipped pad layer on top of that - kind of like pad lasagne! The wax paper will keep them from freezing together and becoming one large ice cube. Place the entire container of pads in freezer before the birth to have ready. To use: wrap one frozen pad in a soft, white (no colors or designs) paper towel (to prevent freezer burn on the skin). Place in a waterproof pair of underwear (you can get Kotex Personals® or Depends® at any drug/grocery store and they are perfect. They are disposable, waterproof, reasonably priced and very comfortable.) Or you can use a disposable diaper in your own underwear also. The Kotex Personals or Depends are much better, much more comfortable, stay in place, and are less bulky. And then you just wear the frozen pad, which will help keep pain and swelling to a minimum, while the herbs help the area to heal, and the pad helps to catch postpartum bleeding. Use a new pad each time you use the bathroom or as you like. One bag of herbs will make a good supply of frozen pads.
2. Peri Bottle- make the tea as directed on the bag (1/4 cup herb to 1 quarts of water). Pour cooled tea into peri bottle and have available for rinsing the vaginal/perineal area during and after urination. This idea is recommended for use along with any of the other ways you choose to use your sitz bath herbs.
3. Spray or Spritz- make the tea as directed on the bag (1/4 cup herb to 1 quarts of water). Pour cooled tea into a clean spray bottle and spray onto stitches (such as C-Section stitches or any other stitches) to help dry and heal the wound. Use several times throughout the day as desired.
4. Sitz Bath - make the tea as directed (1/2 cup herb to 2 quarts of water). Pour tea into sitz bath and soak.
5. Regular Bath - make tea as directed (1/2 cup herb to 2 quarts of water). Add to bathwater and soak. Great for baby too (helps heal umbilical stump).
And don't be afraid to try other ideas you may come up with! There is no wrong way to do this - these are just some ideas to get you started.